Paysera Checkout payment window

A payment window for buyers in e-shops that collect online payments via Paysera Checkout is already well known to clients in the Baltics. It is constantly improved to reduce the number of payment steps even further and to make them even simpler.


What is a standard payment process via Paysera Checkout?

The number of purchase steps may vary depending on the buyer’s bank. The example shows a payment via SEB bank.


Bank selection


Login to the bank and consent to access rights


Payment confirmation and automatic redirection back to the e-shop


New! Payment without redirection to the bank 

The buyer, in order to take as few payment steps as possible to purchase goods, may confirm a payment without leaving the Paysera payment window – without being redirected to the bank’s page. This functionality is available at the moment when the buyer selects Swedbank and SEB banks (payment processing via the PIS). 

In order to use this new feature, select this functionality in the settings of the payment gateway project. Otherwise, your  clients will see the above standard payment process with redirection to the bank. 

Advantage: the client is not redirected to their bank page and all payment confirmation steps are taken in the Paysera payment window. 

When performing a payment via SEB in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia




Payment confirmation

(if the client has only one account)


When making a payment via Swedbank in Lithuania






Payment confirmation


How to make the payment process shorter? 

Refusal of additional consent 

In order to make the payment process shorter, an additional confirmation step may be skipped. After doing this, the buyer will be redirected to the payment window, i.e. the buyer will not have to separately confirm their consent to process the payer’s information. 

How to do it? In order to use this function, the Paysera plugin or API integration must be updated and the Paysera Client Service Centre must be informed in order to enable this functionality. 


Payment with confirmation (old model) 


Payment without confirmation (new model)


Faster verification of a national identification number

Available when clients select payment via Swedbank and SEB banks.

This function is most relevant for those e-shops where shopping requires verification of a national identification number. By using the new parameter on the technical side of your website, verification of a national identification number will be faster and more accurate. The client will no longer have to enter their national identification number, it will be automatically supplied by the seller and the system will verify it. 

What changes would the updated function bring?  

If a national identification number is transferred in a payment link, in some cases, verification would already be done in the payment step, and:
(a) in case of a mismatch of the national identification number, the system would notify about such mismatch and the client could not proceed with the payment;
(b) in case of a match of the national identification number, the client would be redirected for further confirmation of the payment. A callback sent about the completed payment would include the new parameter informing about a match of the payment code.


So far, the system would allow continuing the payment even if the national identification number did not match, and afterwards, the seller would have to return the money. These changes will allow avoiding this because the seller will know in advance about a mismatch of the national identification number and the payment will not be performed.


Soon! Even more convenient payment processing 

Recurring payments

Soon it will be possible to perform recurring PIS payments when a certain amount will be debited from the buyer’s bank account at certain time intervals. Debiting of the bank account is cheaper than recurring payments by card, which is also already available in our system. 

This service will be especially useful for sellers of different subscriptions – sale of subscriptions to publications, gyms, private or group classes – which are often paid for at certain intervals. 
The service will be available to users of SEB and Swedbank in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.


Account selection on the bank’s side

Clients will soon no longer be redirected back to the Paysera page for selecting the account to perform a payment from – everything will be done on the bank’s side. This will facilitate the payment process and improve buyer satisfaction. This service will be available for users of SEB and Swedbank in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, and users of Šiaulių Bankas and Medicinos Bankas in Lithuania.
